Wiki History Listing

V1 A Japanese internet [[meme]] originating from a quote from a feature on [[NEET]]s by the morning news TV program [i]Tokudane![/i]. The full quote is 「働いたら負けかなと思ってる」 ("I think that if you work, you lose"), shortened to 「働いたら負け」 ("you work, you lose").

This is one of the various slogans often featured on t-shirts worn by [[Futaba Anzu]]. To filter the large number of Anzu posts out, use the search {{you_work_you_lose -futaba_anzu}}.

Make sure this is what the shirt actually says before applying the tag to arbitrary [[Futaba Anzu]] posts!

h4. See also

* [[meme attire]]
* [[Tag group:Meme]]

h4. External links

* "Explanatory blog post":
* "Nicopedia: 働いたら負けかなと思ってる":
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55