Wiki History Listing

V1 [[Pokemon]] #668 in the National PokéDex, a dual-type Fire/Normal Pokémon.

It evolves from [[Litleo]] starting at level 35.

Pyroar is a quadruped, leonine Pokémon. It is mostly dark brown with light brown legs, tail tip, chest, and face. Pyroar's irises are tinted azure with black pupils.


* [[Pyroar (male)]] - A male Pyroar has a large, dominantly red mane with gold streaks forming pattern resembling the Daimonji symbol 大. The shape also resembles the symbol for fire 火.
* [[Pyroar (female)]] - A female Pyroar has a long, gold and red mane extending from its forehead to the whole length of its body.

Japanese Name: [b]Kaenjishi[/b]

Prior Pokémon: [[Litleo]]
Next Pokémon: [[Flabebe]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55