Wiki History Listing

V1 [[Doujinshi]] circle. Crimson is also the name of the main artist herself. The illustrator of [[Aoi Sekai no Chuushin de]].

Her works are well-known for distinctive meme-ish phrases.
For example: "くやしい...! でも...感じちゃう...!" or "ピクンピクン".

いまだに間違えたままの方が多いようですが 現在のサークル「クリムゾン」の作家は「クリムゾン」です。 個人サークルなので サークル名と作家名を同じにしています。 初期の頃のカーマインという方は今はいないです。
There are still many misunderstandings about my name. The current artist of "[i]Circle Crimson[/i]" is "[i]Crimson[/i]".
Because it's a solo circle, its name is the same as the artist.
[i]Carmine[/i] was an early member and is no longer on this circle.

From "Crimson's tweet (10:03 pm - 16 Aug 2014 [JST])":

Pen-name: クリムゾン (Crimson)
Circle name: クリムゾン (Crimson) or クリムゾンコミックス (Crimson Comics)
Old circle partner: カーマイン (Carmine)
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55