Wiki History Listing

V1 [[snover|Snover]] --(Level 40)--> Abomasnow
[[mega_pokemon|Mega Evolves]] into [[mega_abomasnow|Mega Abomasnow]] with the [i]Abomasite[/i].

[[pokemon|Pokémon]] #460 in the National PokéDex.
An Ice- and Grass-type [[pokemon_(creature)|Pokémon]] that was introduced in the [[pokemon_dppt|4th generation]] of [[pokemon_(game)|Pokémon]].

Abomasnow is a yeti-like Pokémon with a large white body that has green markings on its arms, near its feet, and on its back. It also has small tree saplings on its back, and has glaring light purple eyes. Abomasnow is most notable, however, for the hailstorms it whips up in its presence, hence its ability Snow Warning, which summons a hail storm whenever it enters battle.

Japanese Name: [b]Yukinooh[/b]

Prior Pokémon: [[Snover]]
Next Pokémon: [[Weavile]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55