Wiki History Listing

V1 A [[Nijisanji]] [[virtual Youtuber]].
Character design by [[Hoojiro]], personal emoji is ⚔️ (crossed swords).

h4. Appearance
[tn]See post #3547321.[/tn]

As [b]Kenmochi Touya[/b], he is portrayed with [[purple hair]] and [[green eyes]]. His default outfit is a [[school uniform]] consisting of a [[blazer]], [[grey vest]], [[white shirt]], red [[necktie]], [[black pants]], and [[loafers]]. He is also featured with a [[bandaged arm]] and a [[shoulder strap]] that holds his kendo gear.

[tn]See post #3393881 for Touko version.[/tn]

He has a [[genderswap_(mtf)|female version]] named [b]Kenmochi Touko[/b]. In this form, she has [[long hair|long]] [[purple hair]], [[medium breasts]], and wears [[pantyhose]], but otherwise has the same attributes as Touya.

h4. Personality
A kendou club member with a pointy chin that's often the focus of jokes (besides being a "lover of cute things and young persons").

h4. Nijisanji official unit - ROF-MAO
* [[Fuwa Minato]]
* [[Kagami Hayato]]
* [[Kaida Haru]]
* [b]Kenmochi Touya[/b]

h4. External links
* "Twitter":[]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54