Wiki History Listing

V1 Character from [[Ishuzoku Reviewers]].
[b]Name:[/b] Meidri
[b]Species:[/b] [[harpy|Harpy]] (Listed as a "Birdmaid" in-universe. See [[mimilo|Mimilo]] for an example of an in-universe Harpy)
[b]Appearance:[/b] Young woman of average height, [[large_breasts|big breasts]] on otherwise slim body downs to knees. Rather large white [[feathered_wings|feathered wings]], below knees are orange bird's shins and claws. Orange [[flipped_hair|flipped hair,]] reddish pink eyes. Wears short french maid dress tailored as [[dirndl]] (or the other way around): white buttoned-up collared shirt with "frills" on shoulders and navy-blue [[juliet_sleeves|juliet sleeves]], short skirt with same color, white frilled apron, narrow black bodice on waist, small white ascot with red round gem; [[maid_headdress|maid headdress]], [[thigh_strap|thigh strap]] on left leg with pen clasped on it.
[b]Backstory:[/b] Meidri works at Ivy's inn as waitress. Being a harpy, she can use ability to fly, which is a great help for her work. She's on friendly terms with main characters due to latter being regulars and use inn as hub for doing adventurer stuff: R&R, recruiting members, using billboard on which (in)famous reviews are posted. Thinks of "reviewing party" (main characters) as incorrigible perverts...
[b]Miscellaneous:[/b]...because said party ain't shy about talking their plans aloud up front and sexually harrasing her (especially Stunk). Latter is retaliated with extreeme prejudice of various magnitude up and not limited to: collateral damage to the inn's property, the need to evacuate other visitors for the ordeal, inflicting near-lethal wounds. Meidri share the bird's chirping as species' verbal tic.
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55