Wiki History Listing

V1 [i]"Wah! What are we gonna do on the bed?"[/i]

The onomatopoeia for someone (usually a [[loli|little girl]]) falling backwards onto a bed. The [[meme]] originated in a panel (post #2301100) from the [[loli]] [[doujinshi|doujin]] [[Tsukimisou no Akari]] ([i]The Light of Tsukimi Manor 2[/i]).

Use this tag when a post uses the word "pomf" as a sound effect. For the ordinary "puff of air" effect, use [[=3]].

h4. See also

* [[=3]]
* [[Tag group:meme]]

h4. External links

* "Know Your Meme: Pomf":
* "Urban Dictionary: Pomf":
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55