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V1 Main/supporting character of "Senpai Annoying Kohai":[/pools/12918] (pool #12918) by [[Shiromanta]]. A senior in [[takeda harumi (shiromanta)|Harumi]] and [[igarashi futaba (shiromanta)|Futaba]]'s company.

A coquettish woman who tends to act as a Greek chorus of sorts, stated to be "popular with men" in the workplace and a low-key source of envy for [[igarashi futaba (shiromanta)|Igarashi Futaba]] on occasion. Pleasant and cheerful, she tends to act without thinking and loves to tease her juniors - a trait shared by her companion [[Kazama Souta]]. She does, however, care for and monitor her coworkers, generally picking up on Igarashi's bad moods quickly and displaying concern. Sometimes she is the cause of some funny situations.

She tends to dress in fairly conservative clothing, sticking with a [[shirt]] and [[pants]] combo, perhaps with a [[sweater]] in colder times. She has [[black hair|black]] [[medium hair|shoulder-length hair]] and [[sidelocks]], [[black eyes]], and a [[mole under eye|mole under her right eye]]. Her [[large breasts]] are occasionally commented on by other characters in-story. Solid D-cup.

Associated color: "Melon orange":

h4. Plot spoilers

[spoiler]Within the print work, a chapter dedicated to her and Kazama implies a twice-shy scenario. Sakurai takes advantage of Kazama's unconsciousness to kiss him during a New Year's shrine visit, while Kazama later confesses to a young girl that while he has romantic feelings for Sakurai, he considers her to be 'out of my league' and is somewhat frustrated by how difficult she is to read.

The girl, however, offers her camera which captures Sakurai's kiss, but Sakurai confiscates the item out of curiosity before Kazama can see the contents. After forbidding Kazama from using the camera and scolding the girl for taking unsolicited pictures, Sakurai promptly panics as the chapter ends.

Later [[omake]] imply that she has been guarding her feelings for him since at least high school.[/spoiler]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55