Wiki History Listing

V1 One of the Three Water Fairies in [[Amano Kozue]]'s [[Aria]], along with [[Akira Ferrari]] and [[Athena Glory]]. At the start of the story, Alicia is the sole professional gondolier of a small company offering guided tours of the city of Neo-Venezia on the planet Aqua. She becomes [[Mizunashi Akari]]'s mentor when the latter joins Aria Company.

Alicia's chief physical characteristics are her [[very long hair|very long]] [[blonde hair]], [[blue eyes]] and smile. Two long [[sidelocks]] often flank her face. When in uniform, she keeps her hair in its signature [[single braid]]; her off-duty hairstyle varies (young Alicia has braided [[twintails]]). As a Prima [i]undine[/i], she does not wear gloves. She sometimes wears [[glasses]]. She is also associated with "[[ara ara]] (あらあら)" and "ufufu (うふふ)," these being her trademark utterances.
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55