Wiki History Listing

V1 Secondary character of [[Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi]], a childhood friend of [[Igarashi Futaba_(shiromanta)|]].

A woman that gives off "sexy vixen" vibes: attractive, cunning, has experience in love relationships, all that being used throughout of series to troll Futaba. Often hits the mark, despite Futaba's reactions.

[i]Appearance:[/i] [[short_hair|Short]] [[black hair]], often wear black clothes. Sometimes gets darker tint of skin tone than "average" character. [[yellow_eyes|Amber eyes]] with noticeably [[slit pupils]], usually wear [[triangle_earrings|triangle/pyramid earrings]] with matching color. Approx. C-cup.

Associated color: Amber
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55