Wiki History Listing

V1 Ambiguous tag. "Asahi" means "morning sun" in Japanese.

* If you're looking for the beer, see [[Asahi Breweries]].
* For the newspaper, see [[Asahi Shinbun]].
* It can be a Japanese surname (like [[Asahi Rokka]]) or a given name (like [[Serizawa Asahi]]).

* For some potential artists named Asahi: "asahi":/artists?search[any_name_matches]=suzuki
* For some characters/copyrights/etc named Asahi: "asahi_*":/tags?search%5Bname_or_alias_matches%5D=asahi_%2A | "*_asahi_*":/tags?search%5Bname_or_alias_matches%5D=%2A_asahi_%2A | "*_asahi":/tags?search%5Bname_or_alias_matches%5D=%2A_asahi
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55