Wiki History Listing

V1 AKA GM Aisha, SmartJoy's Last Origin Community Manager and Game Master (GM). Since GM Aisha is intimately involved with the community, she is usually the one that receives the full brunt of hate and complaints from the community whenever SJ mess up. Be it with unpopular move/choice or just general spaghetti code madness. As such, it is common to see the character apologising.

The character comes in 3 flavours; a tired looking senior with polka dot panties AKA Aisha (Leader), a naive newbie who wears ribbon panties and has small spike at the end of her eyelashes AKA Aisha 48, and a fresh newbie who wears striped panties, has cat curvature on her top lip, and has a small spike in the middle of her eyelashes AKA Aisha 81.

Aisha is stronger than GM Orangeaid but is getting weaker every day.
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55