Wiki History Listing

V1 A skin collection in [[Girls' Frontline]] that's themed around a Dark Fantasy aesthetic, released April 18th, 2019 on the Chinese server (暗黑迷宫), October 8th, 2019 on the Japanese server (暗黒迷宮), and November 19th, 2019 on the English server under the name [b]Dark Dungeon[/b] (though the packs themselves say Dark Maze).

For the skins themselves, see the following:
* [[spas-12 (goblin huntress) (girls' frontline)|SPAS-12's 'Goblin Huntress']]
* [[idw (cloak and cat ears) (girls' frontline)|IDW's 'Cloak and Cat Ears']]
* [[tokarev (griffin's dancer) (girls' frontline)|Tokarev's 'Griffin's Dancer']]
* [[contender (dragon's son) (girls' frontline)|Contender's 'Dragon's Son']]
* [[negev (obsidian princess) (girls' frontline)|Negev's 'Obsidian Princess']].
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54