Wiki History Listing

V1 Lupina is the legendary ice witch of the innuit tribe.

She is notorious for her cruelty and fickleness. She appears every once in decades and hunts people for pleasure. When she invades, the land suffers endless blizzard and snowstorms. If you dare to go out hunting in that weather, believe me, it will be you who gets hunted. She treats her victims in a variety of ways. Sometimes she would simply let them go. But most other times, she becomes very creative with killing the victims slowly and painfully. Every innuit folklore includes Lupina as a villain in some form.

She enjoys her infamy very much. She carefully calculates her reappearances so that her name will be never forgotten among people. She searches her name on web everyday. Her favorite keywords are "Lupina witch," "Lupina hot," and "Lupina cosplay."
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55