Wiki History Listing

V1 This tag refers to images referencing the late 2019 and onward outbreak and pandemic of [[Coronavirus]] Disease 2019 (COVID-19).

[b] Please do not add posts referencing only this pandemic to pool #5960. To avoid flooding the pool, add only posts that reference events that happened because of the virus.[/b]
Some examples include post #3833846 (references the shortage of daily necessities due to panic buying), post #3838197 (Closure of Comiket due to COVID-19), or post #3819444 (Giuseppe Conte's speech in early March 2020).

Not every post with someone wearing a [[mouth mask]] should be tagged with this. The commentary, post, or source tags should make some reference to it.

h4. Signs and Symptoms

It is spread through droplets and surfaces. While it isn't believed to be airborne, it is very contagious, spreading from human to human. It may also result in no symptoms while the carrier is still contagious to others.

h6. Symptoms include:

* Runny nose
* Sore throat
* Coughing
* Fever
* Chills
* Repeated shaking with chills
* Muscle pain
* Headache
* Red eyes
* New Loss of taste or smell

h6. Severe cases can include:

* High fever
* Difficulty breathing
* Pain or pressure in the chest
* Confusion
* Blue pale face or lips
* "Happy hypoxemia" or "silent hypoxemia" (hypoxemia, that is low levels of oxygen in the blood, but while seemingly breathing normally and without feeling ill)
* Blood clots which can cause stroke, heart attack, or pulmonary embolism

If you experience 1 or more symptoms stay home if possible ([b]seek medical attention for SEVERE cases[/b]) and/or call your healthcare provider so they can prepare ahead from getting others sick.

h6. Conditions or symptoms that seem to have an association with COVID-19 infections that are currently under investigation:
* Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C), a toxic shock or Kawasaki disease-like symptom in rare instances in children
* Frostbite-like rashes on extremities (particularly toes) or transient hives in otherwise asymptomatic or mild symptomatic individuals

h4. See also

* [[Coronavirus]]
* [[Corona-chan]]
* [[Social distancing]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55