Wiki History Listing

V1 A classification that rates the suitability of content for any type of media. A content rating will forewarn consumers as to any violent, sexual, or objectionable material presented in the show/game/book/etc., as well as suggesting a recommended age level suitable for experiencing this content in a mature manner. Different types of media use different rating standards, although questionable material is widely encouraged to be avoided by young children.

On Danbooru, this commonly refers to explicit [[doujinshi]] that have the R-18+ notice on the [[cover page]], meaning the content is suitable for people 18 or older. The words "For Adult Only" can also count as a content rating. Another phrase seen on covers is 成人指定 ([i]seijin shitei[/i]), which means "Reserved for Adults".

h4. See also

* [[howto:rate]]

h4. External links

* "Wikipedia: Content rating":
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55