Wiki History Listing

V1 [i]¡¡¡...HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE...!!! (...EVER ONWARD TO VICTORY...!!!)[/i] - [b]Che Guevara[/b]

A traveler, physician (medical [[doctor]]), activist, [[communism|Marxist]] revolutionary and [[guerrilla]] war leader born in [[Argentina]] who fought and won the [[Cuba]]n Revolution. Best known for an iconic photograph called "Guerrillero Heroico":[] ("Heroic Guerilla Fighter").

Friend and revolutionary war buddy of [[Fidel Castro]].

Che died in Bolivia while trying to create a revolution in that country with a [[communism|communist]] guerrilla group during the late 60s. He was ambushed, captured and executed by the Bolivian army with help from the [[America]]n Central Intelligence Agency ([[CIA|C.I.A.]]).

h4.See also
* [[Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker]]
** [[Big Boss]]
* [[Tag Group:people]]

h4.External links
* "Wikipedia article":
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55