Wiki History Listing

V1 [[Naga U]]'s original character.

She is a girl with [[fox ears]] and [[fox_tail|tail]], typically drawn with [[chibi|compact proportions]]. She normally wears a green sailor-collared shirt with [[sleeves past fingers]] and a yellow neckerchief, a purple pleated skirt, thighhighs and zouri along with a collar with a bell on it. Her summer outfit consists of a sleeveless sailor dress of the same colors with detached sleeves. She also has a winter fur form where she wears a green coat, a purple plaid skirt, a yellow scarf, black pantyhose and boots while her ears and tail features longer and thicker fur. She typically keeps the same [[jitome]] face, being almost [[expressionless]] most of the time. She has short blonde hair with some longer locks held into a bun. Winter fur gives her long hair instead. Whenever her ears would be covered somehow, they tend to poke through most materials (the hardest material depicted so far "has been glass":[/posts/3999670]).

Her favorite food seems to be [[boned meat]]. She tends to be drawn as whatever the artist wants and thus, has many forms.

Interestingly, there has been no artworks to date that depicts Kemomimi-chan's exposed hands.

Her alternate forms include:

[[nezumimi-chan_(naga_u)| Nezumimi-chan]]: A [[mouse girl]] version of Kemomimi-chan.
Kemomimi-chan Fish: Kemomimi-chan [[animalization|as a]] [[fish]]. A common occurence, she comes in many forms of her own.
Kemomimi-chan? (question mark included): A [[raccoon_girl|tanuki girl]] version of Kemomimi-chan.
Another Kemomimi-chan and Black Kemomimi-chan: Palette swaps of Kemomimi-chan. Another has red hair, blue eyes, a blue collar and the red her outfit has been replaced by more green. Black has darker skin, dark green hair, red eyes and a black and white outfit. They also wear conventional thighhighs and shoes.
"-chan": Kemomimi-chan [[no_animal_ears|without the Kemomimi]].
Kemomimi-san: Kemomimi-chan when she isn't drawn as a chibi. Can also be named Kemomimi-chan-san
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55