Wiki History Listing

V1 [i]Shinomiya Natsuki[/i] is an unlockable character from [[Mahjong Soul]].

h4. Biography
Shinomiya Natsuki is a common college boy as well as a part-time bartender of LULLABY. Like many Otakus, Shinomiya spends all his spare time in playing video games and reading mangas, and behaves like a chunibyo in certain circumstances. Under the influence of the owner of LULLABY, Shinomiya learned and became found of Mahjong.

h4. Appearance
[tn]See post #5245231 for default appearance.[/tn]

He has [[short hair|short]] [[brown hair]]. His eyes are [[blue eyes|blue]].

h4. Profile
[td]December 14[/td]
[td]Blood Type:[/td]
[td]Mahjong, Gaming, Bartending[/td]
[td]Preferred Gifts:[/td]
[td]Spheres for Bond:[/td]
[td]Courage, Honesty[/td]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54