Wiki History Listing

V1 [i]Nikaidou Miki[/i] is a free-to-use starting character from [[Mahjong Soul]].

h4. Biography
A mysterious female Mahjong player. She is intelligent with a flirtatious nature. Therefore, people often find her to be unpredictable. She owns a pet hedgehog and gorgeous gems are her favorite.

h4. Appearance
[tn]See post #5179731 for default appearance.[/tn]

She has [[long hair|long]] [[black hair]]. Her eyes are [[brown eyes|brown]]. She has a [[mole]] under her [[mole under eye|right eye]].

h4. Profile
[td]February 14[/td]
[td]Blood Type:[/td]
[td]Gems, Hedgehog pets[/td]
[td]Preferred Gifts:[/td]
[td]Spheres for Bond:[/td]
[td]Love, Wisdom[/td]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54