Wiki History Listing

V1 This tag is used for the caduceus (symbol) (☤), [[hermes_(mythology)|Hermes]]' [[staff]] with two [[snake|snakes]] spiraling up it. It is sometimes confused with the [[Rod of Asclepius]].

h5.Other tags related to the word

* [[Chou Shittou Caduceus]]
* [[kerykeion]] ([[Lyrical Nanoha]] series)
* [[Thoth Caduceus]] ([[Kamigami no Asobi]])

h4.See also

* "Wikipedia article":
* [[Rod of Asclepius]]
* [[Tag Group:Symbols]]

[expand=WIP, moved over from mage_staff]
* Caduceus
** Staff with two sculptured snakes entwined along its length (or just near the 'head'). Often surmounted with wings.
** Traditionally associated with commerce and negotiation, as it is the herald staff of [[Hermes_(mythology)|]], the herald and messenger of the Greek Gods.
** Sometimes used as an astrological symbol for the planet Mercury.
** Sometimes used as an alchemical symbol for the elemental metal mercury.
** May be carried by heralds.
** More often depicted being carried by healers, due to confusion with the [[Rod of Asclepius]].
** Often also used in iconography for medical-related professions, again due to confusion with the Rod of Asclepius.[/expand]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55