12/26/23 05:40PM
Mail sender or mail receiver?
Do you prefer to have someone send you a message first here? Or are you someone that likes to send mail yourself? Curious on your answers.
12/26/23 05:44PM
i generally shoot the first message, but i've been doing it more and more infrequently nowadays. it seems like it's harder to attract mails as a guy than it is as a girl.
12/26/23 05:45PM
I send, but I also enjoy receiving
12/26/23 05:47PM
i mainly send, but receiving some mail is surprising, but quite nice
12/26/23 05:50PM
I mainly receive, though I agree only cuz as a girl it’s easy to get a lot of mail. Haven’t commented much lately and still got 3 mails this morning

12/26/23 05:56PM
Try to do both when I can! :3
12/26/23 06:00PM
I love recieving mail, but sometimes I send it on the side :)
12/26/23 06:01PM
sending and not receiving :)
12/26/23 06:07PM
Both are fucking great, but I send more than I recieve...
12/26/23 06:11PM
Sending out mail is nice, letting people know I like their comments and wishing them a lovely day. Though receiving messages is lovely because you're either about to make a friend or have a fun story to tell. Or get neither, but I'm optimistic.
12/26/23 06:16PM
Both are nice, I love chatting with other pervy minds on here ^^
12/26/23 06:17PM
Receiver anytime its someone or something i have no interest in doing mainly rp stuff just mail em back no thanks appreciate the offer
12/26/23 06:18PM
Sender more than a receiver here. Not that I want to but have to. Rarely get sent stuff but when I do, shit is peak. It’s mostly very contrast to my little silly small business looking mails.
12/26/23 06:30PM
I definitely prefer being a receiver but sometimes I am the sender
12/26/23 06:36PM
reciever always
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