Wiki History Listing

V1 "In Saki volume 5":, out of nowhere [[haramura_nodoka|Nodoka]] blurted out: "That reminds me. Apparently it will be possible for people of the same sex to have children through iPS cells."

"iPS cells": are stem cells derived from regular cells. They open up many new possibilities in medical treatments, and of course, human cloning.

Due to Nodoka's remark, "iPS cells" became a tag for pictures of a same-sex couple together with their child. And of course it also applies to any character repeating this line as a parody.

The resulting babies are often referred to as "science babies" or "magic babies".

h4. External links

* "Nicopedia article":

h4.See also

* [[Tag group:meme]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55