Wiki History Listing

V1 Canadian dancer and [[Yaoi]] porn actor.
He costarred with [[Billy Herrington]] in some gay videos. [[NicoNico]] denizens call him 'Kiyoshi Kazuya' on account of "[i]soramimi[/i].":

He was rumored to be dead in December 2016 after [[Billy Herrington]] twitted that Danny "maybe dead" for drug overdose. However, he was found alive in January 2018 and working as real estate dealer, currently going under the name "Danny Resko". Danny later actknownledged his memetic fame in May 2021 after doing an ego search and embraced it during an interview with Stanpai in July 2021.

h4.See also

* [[Billy Herrington]]
* Nicopedia article(JP): "Kazuya":
* "Danny's Youtuber channel":
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55