Wiki History Listing

V1 A [[the lego group|LEGO]] [[toy]]line of constraction figures that ran from 2000 to 2010. The series features many [[science fiction]] elements as well as influence from Maori aesthetics and language, and is notable for having incredibly expansive lore and an ongoing story throughout the line's lifetime. The lore was spread across a variety of mediums, including books, comics, video games, flash games, podcasts, and 4 feature-length films.

LEGO rebooted the line in 2015, with a new continuity and completely different art style. The reboot featured several books, graphic novels, animated web shorts, and an animated series on [[Netflix]], before being discontinued in 2016.

Despite the line being in a dormant state and having no new official content releases or reprints of previous sets, the series has retained a large fanbase that consistently creates new content.

h4. See also
* [[Kanohi (Bionicle)|]]
* [[Matoran Language]]
* [[Hero Factory]] - spiritual successor line that briefly replaced Bionicle after its discontinuation.

h4. External links
* "BioMediaProject":[] - unofficial archive site, contains promotional materials, flash games, and other Bionicle media that has since been removed from the official Lego website (part of the broader MaskOfDestiny project).
* "BIONICLEsector01":[] - unofficial database of BIONICLE information, the largest and most comprehensive within the fanbase.
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55