Wiki History Listing

V1 Musashi's Kai Ni form portraying her as an A-150 battleship (featuring 6 51cm guns in 3 twin turrets instead of Yamato-class' 9 46cm guns in 3 triple turrets). Outside of rigging major differences between this and Musashi's base and Kai forms is different hairstyle (long twintails vs base forms short hair with long sidelocks) and major increase in amount of clothing worn.

In February of 2018, she obtained her remodel, which is stylistically the polar opposite from her previous half-dressed self. She is wearing in full her double-breasted uniform along with her original skirt, stockings (as revealed in her damaged pose, not pantyhose), thighboots as well as a coat acting as a cape. Another major difference is her hair, which is both longer and fully white instead of being platinum blonde. Replacing her already huge triple 46cm guns is her new humongous experimental twin 51cm guns (in a style similar to {{world_of_warships}}' Shikishima concept; a Yamato-class with 51 cm guns). Upon being damaged, her budget sarashi is revealed from under her tattered uniform.
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54