Wiki History Listing

V1 The Tawawa Challenge is an internet [[meme]] of (real) women trying to [[balancing|balance]] a [[smartphone]] (or other such) [[object on breast|on their breasts]], as [[ai-chan (tawawa)|Ai-chan]], the character of [[Himura Kiseki]]'s "Monday Morning Offerings":/pools/10374 series, has done in post #2509846.

See [[bubble tea challenge]] for a similar meme involving [[bubble tea]].

h4. See also

* [[bubble tea challenge]]
* [[shampoo challenge]]
* [[Tag Group:Meme]]

h4. External links

* "Know Your Meme: Tawawa Challenge":
* "Kotaku: Meme Alert! Anime Inspires Chest-Balancing Challenge":
* "RocketNews24: Anime-inspired “Tawawa Challenge” brings on a wave of busty photos on Twitter":
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55