Wiki History Listing

V1 For tagging purposes a cart is an animal or human driven two or more wheeled vehicle used for carrying loads that is pulled or pushed. They're similar to carriages, but the carriage tag covers vehicles specifically design for passenger transport, while the cart tag is intended for vehicles designed to transport cargo.

A true cart is an open two-wheeled vehicle for carrying loads that is pulled by animals or humans, for tagging purposes these will be tagged as a "pullcart".

The term "cart" over time has evolved to also refer to a variety of small wheeled vehicles that are pushed or pulled and include vehicles that have more than two wheels.

For the small motor vehicle, see [[go-kart]].

h4. Types of carts

* [[Book truck]]
* [[Hand truck]]
* [[Janitorial cart]]
* [[Minecart]]
* [[Platform truck]]
* [[Pullcart]]
* [[Pushcart]]
* [[Serving cart]]
** [[Galley cart]]
* [[Shopping cart]]
* [[Vending cart]]
* [[Wagon]]

h4. See also

* [[Carriage]]
* [[Rolling suitcase]]
* [[Wheelbarrow]]

h4. External links

"Wikipedia: Cart":
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55