Wiki History Listing

V1 A device that takes [[photo (object)|photographs]].

This tag is for cameras that take still photos, [b]not[/b] cameras that primarily record videos, see [[video camera]] for that.

h4. Related tags

h6. Types

* [[bellows camera]]
* [[disposable camera]]
* [[single-lens reflex camera]]
* [[twin-lens reflex camera]]

h6. Other

* [[holding camera]]
* [[camera around neck]]
* [[camera flash]]
* [[camera lens]]
* [[finger frame]]
* [[lens flare]]
* [[selfie]]
* [[viewfinder]]

h4. See also

* [[camcorder]]
* [[camera phone]]
* [[movie camera]]
* [[security camera]]
* [[TV camera]]
* [[video camera]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54