Wiki History Listing

V1 Jaeger Sixth (第六猟兵) is a Tommy Walker Co. play-by-web (PBW) and tabletop game. It is the sixth work by Tommy Walker Co., preceded by Mugen no Fantasia, Silver Rain, End Breaker!, Psychic Hearts and Kerberos Blade.

h4. Tagged Characters
* [[akifuyu_haruko]]
* [[amata_primus]]
* [[aria_shinohara]]
* [[belladonna_bertinelli]]
* [[courier_cruz]]
* [[elle_aulet]]
* [[fell_draguniel]]
* [[harriet_millions]]
* [[horai_mio]]
* [[jaharu_alumurith]]
* [[joha_kigal]]
* [[kokonotsumi_shichiyou]]
* [[lilac_earl_owls]]
* [[lilithsphere_starlight]]
* [[melflore_kanon]]
* [[misty_midnight]]
* [[neju_laurent]]
* [[rose_berstein]]
* [[saki_einhieral]]
* [[stellaria museline]]
* [[tise_palmier]]
* [[tsukishidate_yuhiko]]
* [[utility_kernel]]

h4. External Links
* "Official Site (":[]
* "Tommy Walker Co.'s website":[]
* "Wikipedia(JP): トミーウォーカー (Tommy Walker Co.)":[トミーウォーカー]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55