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V1 The Fig Sign is a hand gesture made with the hand and fingers curled into a fist and the thumb thrust between the middle and index fingers (or more rarely the middle and ring finger). While not readily known in the US and many other English speaking countries, the same hand sign is used while playing the children's game I've Got Your Nose.

The origin of the gesture is unknown and its meaning varies depending on where you are in the world. In some places the gesture is used for good luck, particularly when used on small decorative hands carved into this gesture that are used as charms, in others, it's used as a mild version of the [[middle finger]] (such as in Russia, where it is called colloquially "кукиш/kukish" or "дуля/dulya"). The meaning of the gesture in the images on Danbooru will commonly mean something akin to "let's fuck."

h4. See also

* [[penetration gesture]]
* [[Tag Group:Gestures]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55