Wiki History Listing

V1 An intergalactic peacekeeper typically associated with the Kree army. The title has been passed between several characters in the [[Marvel]] universe:

* Mar-Vell - the first Captain Marvel, deceased
* [[Monica Rambeau]] - the second Captain Marvel, becomes Photon and later Spectrum after conceding title
* Genis-Vell - the third Captain Marvel, became the second Photon, deceased
* Phylla-Vell - the fourth Captain Marvel, became Quasar and later Martyr, deceased
* Khn'nr - A Kree clone given Mar-Vell's memories and illness, deceased
* Noh-Varr - An alternate universe Kree soldier, became Protector and later Marvel Boy
* [[Carol Danvers]] - the fifth Captain Marvel (previously [[Ms. Marvel]]), currently holds the title

h4. See also

* [[Shazam]] - The original user of the name Captain Marvel 1939-2012
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55