Wiki History Listing

V1 One of the most important characters in the [[warhammer_40k|Warhammer 40,000]] universe, the God-Emperor of Mankind is a figure seen as the divine ruler of all humanity. With his intellect and potent psychic abilities, he united a fractured Earth following the collapse of mankind's previous civilization before setting out on a galaxy-wide campaign (known as the Great Crusade) to reunite lost human worlds and reclaim his scattered demigod sons known as Primarchs. One, Horus, would betray him and rally half the Primarchs to the cause of Chaos, triggering a massive civil war. The Emperor would slay Horus, but was mortally wounded in turn and encased upon a life-support device known as the Golden Throne, where mankind would quickly worship him as a god.

The emperor (or characters who cosplay him) could have basically two different outfits:
- one who depicts him during the Great Crusade, as a very tall human wearing a extremely decorated [[gold armor|golden]] [[power armor]], a golden [[laurel crown]] and long [[claws|talons]] on a hand, and holding a [[flaming sword]]. For a reference see post #1037362
- the other who show him after the Horus Heresy, sitting on the Golden Throne, usually as a [[corpse]].

[spoiler] Ironically, the Emperor was a staunch athiest. Despite his well intentioned goals for humanity, the current state of the Warhammer 40k universe was due to his many questionable acts. Due to his arrogance and not treating his sons like family but as things, he caused distrust and hatred with most of his sons with half of them rebelling him and starting the Horus Heresy. He banned all religions, mistakenly thinking religious beliefs helped power the Gods of Chaos when it actually did the opposite as religion starve Chaos and the Chaos Gods mostly got their powers from emotions. And his racism against aliens where he ordered they either be enslaved or exterminated ended up making the Imperium having a xenopohbic hatred that it caused many alien races that could have help humanity distrust them. [/spoiler]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55