Wiki History Listing

V1 Major character in [[Shin Megami Tensei IV Final]]. Dagda is one of the major deities of Irish mythology and the King of the Tuatha de Dánann.

CV: [[Ikeda Shuuichi]] [JP], [[Xander Mobus]] [EN]

[b]Massive spoilers for the lategame and endgame of Shin Megami Tensei IV Final below.[/b]
[spoiler]Dagda is a driving force on the game's Neutral routes in particular. In Bonds, you side with his mother [[Danu]] and the rest of your friends to defeat Dagda, to then bring down YHVH, albeit temporarily. In Anarchy, however, you betray your friends to become Dagda's Godslayer, severing all ties with your past. Here, Dagda guides you down the path to a new world, where he and the other gods can exist ambiently rather than as concrete entities; YHVH is permanently slain, and a new world is created from the Cosmic Egg.[/spoiler]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55