Wiki History Listing

V1 [[Tokyo Afterschool Summoners]] character.
Designed by [[jacketbear]]

Transient from Old Ones who is both an ex-ruler and a bodybuilder. He is believed to have come from the isolated star of Fomalhaut to this planet. The specs of the body he was born with are unusually high. However, he is extremely weak on the mental front to the point that it can eclipse his physical strong points. He can't handle complex thinking and is especially bad at numbers. Despite normally speaking with confidence, Cthugha has a surprisingly low self-esteem. It depresses him when his words come back to haunt him and cause him to physically blow up and damage his surroundings. Those who know this about him see him as someone who's dangerous when summoned, so that's why he's alone. His summoning this time has him misunderstanding and becoming an overpowered reincarnated hero from some story somewhere, and now it looks like he's attempting to turn things around in one big home run. Since he doesn't understand bantering and has burned countless followers, it appears the ex-ruler and winner at life in Aoyama is avoiding him. This relationship has not changed since their time at Old Ones, and there is no sign of making a new connection here. Cthugha has one-sided feelings of sympathy for people who appear to talk in circles but not get anywhere.

h4. External links

* "Housamo Wiki: Cthugha":[]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55