Wiki History Listing

V1 A gondolier-in-training for the Orange Planet company in the [[Aria]] manga and anime series, Alice is a quiet, aloof prodigy with who forms part of the central trio of characters, along with [[Mizunashi Akari]] and [[Aika Granzchesta]]. Her Prima mentor is [[Athena Glory]], and she takes care of [[President Maa]], whom she found and kept.

Alice has [[blue eyes]] and [[long hair|long]] [[straight hair|straight]] [[green hair]] with [[bangs]] reaching [[hair between eyes| between her eyes]], which she often keeps keeps in a [[two side up]] outside of work. She is often depicted wearing the [[Orange Planet uniform]] or her [[school uniform]]. In Avvenire she appears [[aged up]] and has [[wavy hair|wavy]] or [[curly hair]] with [[sidelocks]].

She is voiced by "Hirohashi Ryou":
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54