Wiki History Listing

V1 Ancient religious symbol or [[mandala]] used in numerous cultures throughout history ([[India]], etc.). Takes the form of a [[cross]] with four legs bent at 90 degrees.

The clockwise, or right-handed, swastika (卐) was appropriated by the [[nazi|Nazi Party]] as its emblem. This variant was turned 45 degrees in a white circle on a red background which is known as Hakenkreuz (hooked cross). The symbol continues to be widely associated with Nazism to the present day.

Another user of the clockwise swastika was the [[finland|Finnish]] Air Force, which used a blue swastika for its aircraft insignia from 1918-1944. The [[latvia|Latvian]] Air Force used a dark red version.

The counterclockwise, or left-handed, swastika (卍) is an auspicious symbol in [[Buddhism]] known in Japan as [i]manji[/i].

h4.See Also

* Wikipedia article: "Swastika":
* [[Tag Group:Symbols]]
* [[Sayagata]]

* [[Azov Battalion]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54