Wiki History Listing

V1 [[dungeon_and_fighter|Dungeon & Fighter]] character. Subclass of the [[fighter_(dungeon_and_fighter)|Fighter]]. Also known as the Dervish or Ultimate Diva.

Her "default appearance":[] has her wearing a luchador-esque [[wrestling_outfit|wrestling outfit]] (the mask being in her left hand) with a [[championship_belt|gold-plated trophy belt]] around her waist. Unlike her other forms, her hair is cut [[short_hair|short]] here.

As an "Ultimate Diva":[], she has [[dark_skin|dark skin]] and swaps out most of her outfit with a white leather bikini top and gauntlets with free-flowing decorative leather straps. Her hair is a more voluminous version of her base class's, with white [[streaked_hair|highlights]] appearing throughout it.

Her "Neo Grappler":[] form features a more extravagant version of the Ultimate Diva's outfit with gold trimmings. She also has a gold lightning bolt [[tattoo]] under her right eye. Accompanying her are two unnamed wrestlers wearing similar outfits - a blonde with a [[bob_cut|bob cut]] and another with long, black hair.
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55