Wiki History Listing

V1 麻雀 or 麻将 (má jiàng)

A game for four players that originated in China. A very popular gambling game in Asia. The object is to score points by forming certain combinations of tiles.

Introduced in America by Abercrombie and Fitch.

h4. Related tags

* [[daddycool's tan'yao (meme)|]]
* [[mahjong tile]]
* [[strip mahjong]]
* [[tenbou]]

h4. Yakuman hands
* [[chuuren poutou]] - nine gates
* [[daisangen]] - big three dragons
* [[daisuushii]] - big four winds
* [[kokushi musou]] - thirteen orphans
* [[ryuuiisou]] - all greens
* [[suuankou]] - four concealed triplets
* [[suukantsu]] - four kans

h4. See also

* "Wikipedia article":
* [[List of Game Activities]]
* [[tag group:board games]]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54