Wiki History Listing

V1 The eleventh mothership title in the [[tales of (series)|Tales of...]] series developed by Namco for the Nintendo DS, but was not ported to the west until 2014 on the Playstation Vita. All of the characters are named after minerals or crystals.


* [[Kor Meteor]] (Shing Meteoryte)
* [[Kohaku Hearts]] (Amber Hearts)
* [[Hisui Hearts]] (Jade Hearts)
* [[Kunzite (tales)|]]
* [[Beryl Benito]]
* [[Innes Lorenz]]

* [[Richea Spodune]]
* [[Incarose (tales)|]]
* [[Creed Graphite]]

h4.External links

* "Official Site":
* "Tales Wiki":
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55