Wiki History Listing

V1 Sequel game to [[Ar tonelico]]. It takes place ~1.5 years after the first game.

The North American localization of the game suffers from poor quality control and is riddled with translation errors, misspellings, and a bug that can crash the game near the end during one of the boss fights.

h6. List of characters

* [[Amarie Jerhad]] (NA:Amarie Gelade)
* [[Chroah Vatel]] (NA:Croix Bartel)
* [[Chroche Latel Pastalie]] (NA:Cloche Leythal Pastalia)
* [[Cocona Vatel]] (NA:Cocona Bartel)
* [[Frelia (ar tonelico)|]]
* [[Infel (ar tonelico)|]]
* [[Jakuri (ar tonelico)|]] (NA:Jacqli)
* [[Legris Branchesca]] (NA:Leglius Branchesca)
* [[Luca Truelywaath]] (NA:Luca Trulyworth)
* [[Nenesha (ar tonelico)|]]
* [[Nono_(Ar Tonelico)|Nono]]
* [[Reionsetsu Rakura]] (NA:Lakra)
* [[Reisha Truelywaath]] (NA:Reisha Trulyworth)
* [[Spica Neal]]

h4. See also

* "Wikipedia: Ar Tonelico 2":
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55