Wiki History Listing

V1 A place of worship of the [[Shinto]] religion.

For tagging purposes:

* Includes small roadside shrines, e.g.: post #530511, post #502261.
* [b]Do not use this tag when there are only [[torii]] but no shrine buildings[/b], or other evidence to indicate being nearby. Reason: [[torii]] may be situated a significant distance from the main premises of a shrine, and can also be found in places other than shrines.
* When unsure of the religion, tag [[temple]] instead.
* When unsure if it is a place of worship at all, consider using other tags such as [[east asian architecture]] to describe the structure and other elements.

h4. Related tags

* [[torii]] - the gate
* [[shide]] - paper streamer cut in a zig-zagging fashion
* [[shimenawa]] - straw rope
* [[kouhaku nawa]] - red and white rope
* [[stone lantern]]
* [[donation box]]
* [[temizuya]] - water ablution pavilion
* [[ema]] - wooden boards on which people write prayers or wishes
* [[omikuji]] - random fortunes written on strips of paper
* [[miko]] - shrine maidens
* [[komainu]] - lion-like statues

h4. External links

* "Wikipedia: Shinto shrine":[]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55