Wiki History Listing

V1 A technical is an improvised fighting vehicle built from a civilian [[motor vehicle]]. It is typically [[pickup truck|a light (pickup) truck]] with a tripod-mounted heavy machine gun on the back. However, they can be built on other types of civilian vehicles (e.g. an SUV, or a medium flatbed truck etc.) and there are many other types of weapons that could be mounted on-board. Technicals are mostly associated with irregular and paramilitary forces.

If identifiable, try to tag the weapon and vehicle too.

Weapons commonly mounted on technicals include:
* [[heavy machine gun|Heavy machine guns]], such as the [[dshk|DShK]] and [[browning m2|Browning M2]]
* [[anti-aircraft|Anti-aircraft weapons]], such as the [i]ZPU[/i]
* Large [[recoilless_rifle|recoilless rifles]] and [[rocket_launcher|rocket launchers]]

Civilian vehicles commonly used as technicals:
* [[toyota_hilux|Toyota Hilux]]
* Toyota Land Cruiser
* Mitsubishi Triton

h4.See also

* "Wikipedia article on technicals":[]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55