Wiki History Listing

V1 "The One-Armed, Horned Sennin"

Introduced in the official comic [i]東方茨歌仙 (Touhou Ibarakasen) ~ [[Wild and Horned Hermit]][/i], serialized in Chara☆Mel Febri. An enigmatic pink haired, red-eyed "pilgrim" with her right arm wrapped in [[bandages]] whose search for the "Kappa Arm" led her into the Hakurei Shrine. It is soon revealed that [[amputee|there is no arm inside her bandages]], which are instead filled with a mysterious magical smoke.

Due to the shackle on her left arm, her suspicious [[double bun]]s, and her title implying that the existence of horns, there is rampant speculation among fans that Kasen is an [[oni]], specifically [[Ibaraki Douji_(mythology)|]], one of the Big Four. Some of Kasen's actions, such as her avoidance of [[Ibuki Suika]], also contribute to the speculation.

Since both characters are hermits, Kasen is often associated with [[Kaku Seiga]], though usually on an antagonistic basis since Seiga is a "wicked hermit".

[spoiler]Wild and Horned Hermit 35 revealed she is one of the Sages of [[Gensokyo]] alongside Yukari.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Wild and Horned Hermit 49 would not only introduce her severed arm given semi-physical form, [[Ibaraki Douji's Arm]], but Kasen herself would become one with her arm and fully become an oni once more, revealing herself to be one of the Big Four, [[Ibaraki Douji (Touhou)|Ibaraki Douji]].[/spoiler]

Playable in Touhou 14.5 ~ Urban Legend in Limbo.

h4. External links

* "Touhou Wiki: Kasen Ibaraki":
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55