Wiki History Listing

V1 A fictional top-secret human organization from the [[ufo_(copyright)|UFO]] TV series from the early 1970s.

[b]S.H.A.D.O.[/b] ([b]S[/b]upreme [b]H[/b]eadquarters, [b]A[/b]lien [b]D[/b]efense [b]O[/b]rganization) is a hi-tech secret armed group created to defend the Earth from an [[alien]] invasion.

SHADO has a variety of advanced hardware and vehicles at its disposal to implement a layered defense of planet Earth. Early warnings of alien attack would come from SID, the Space Intruder Detector, a computerized tracking [[satellite]] that constantly scans for [[UFO]] incursions.

The forward line of defense is [[Moonbase]] from which three [[Lunar Interceptor]] [[spacecraft]], carrying nuclear missiles, are launched.

The second line of defense includes [[Skydiver]], a submarine mated with the submersible, undersea-launched [[Sky One]] interceptor aircraft, which attacks UFOs in Earth's atmosphere.

The last line of defense are ground units including the heavy armed and armored, IFV-like [[SHADO Mobile]]s, fitted with caterpillar tracks.

Lt. [[Gay Ellis]] is a notable member of the group.
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55