Wiki History Listing

V1 A fictional [[spacecraft]] from the [[Star Wars]] science fiction franchise.

The [b]BTL Y-Wing Starfighter[/b], built by [i]Koensayr Manufacturing[/i], was a mainstay of the [[Rebel Alliance]] Starfighter Corps. It was often used as an assault bomber to attack enemy capital ships directly in conjunction with the later B-wing starfighters.

Affectionately known as a "wishbone" to [[Rebel pilot]]s and New Republic pilots, the Y-wing starfighter was deployed as a fighter-bomber, designed to fight its way to its objective, deliver its payload of high explosives, and fight its way out again. Its weaponry included two laser cannons, two ion cannons, and two proton torpedo launchers.

An astromech droid, such as an R2 unit, could be plugged into a socket behind the cockpit to act as a co-pilot and manage the ship's various systems.

It was designed by "Ralph McQuarrie": in the 70s.
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55