Wiki History Listing

V1 [b]Emmet[/b], known as [b]Kudari[/b] (クダリ) in Japan, is a character introduced in [i][[pokemon|Pokémon]] [[pokemon bw|Black and White]][/i].

This Subway Boss is the younger of the twin brothers who run the Battle Subway in Unova. He likes working with different combinations of Pokémon in Double Battles [tn](official bio)[/tn].

He has [[grey eyes]] and [[short hair|short]] [[grey hair]] with [[long sideburns]]. He wears a [[white headwear|white]] [[peaked cap|cap]], a [[long sleeves|long-sleeve]] [[high collar]] [[white coat|white]] [[trench coat|coat]], a [[collared shirt|collared]] [[white shirt|white]] [[dress shirt|shirt]] with a [[blue necktie|tie]], [[white gloves|gloves]], a [[belt buckle|buckled]] [[brown belt|belt]], and [[white pants]] [[white footwear|and]] [[shoes]] (post #5196460).

h4. See also

* [b]Relatives[/b]
** [[Ingo (pokemon)|]] (twin brother)
* [b]Voice actor[/b]
** [[Uchida Yuuma ]]

h4. External links

* "Bulbapedia: Emmet":[]
* "Pixivpedia (JP): Kudari":[]
* "TV Tropes: Pokémon Frontier Brains and Other Facility Heads":[]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55