Wiki History Listing

V1 The re-imagination of [[Azur Lane]]'s [[kaga_(azur_lane)|Kaga]] in her original [i]Tosa[/i]-class battleship design, before her conversion into an aircraft carrier.
Character design by [[Hao (patinnko)|]], voiced by [[Kayano Ai]] (JP, KR, EN) or [[Iguchi Yuka]] (CN as of 31 August 2022).

h4. Trivia and personality
She was introduced as part of the "Crimson Echoes" event in December of 2018 for the CN and JP servers, and January of 2019 for the EN server. Despite being a battleship, she was capable of activating [[akagi_(azur_lane)|Akagi's]] skills if they were together in a fleet, which after considering her carrier counterpart abysmally low drop rate (0.75% shared with CV Kaga according to the Yostar dev team, the only confirmed drop rate), are taken by many players as an acceptable substitute.

Compared to her current/carrier self, she's more aggressive, headstrong and temperamental.

h4. Appearance
[tn]See post #3364966.[/tn]

In her (original) battleship form, she wears extra armor, including around her neck, waist and wrists, and her coat is replaced by a garment with [[detached sleeves]]. Her [[rigging]] contains all five of her historical 41 cm twin gun mounts on two separate hull pieces held together by a funnel and mast to her back, as well as an [[anchor]] on one side.

h4. History
In real life, [i]Kaga[/i] was the second of the [i]Tosa[/i]-class battleships, designed initially in 1917 as an improved version of [[Nagato (Azur Lane)|]] codenamed "A-125". The design was rejected in favor of a repeat [i]Nagato[/i] ([[Mutsu (Azur Lane)|]]), but this provided the basis for a further rework as project "A-127", which was finally accepted in 1918.

[i]Kaga[/i] was initially ordered disposed of in order to comply with the Washington Naval Treaty but the 1923 Great Kanto earthquake irreparably damaged [[Amagi (Azur Lane)|]] so [i]Kaga[/i] was selected in her place. However, the conversion was delayed to 1925 due to the need to repair earthquake damage to the Yokosuka Naval Arsenal and was not finished until 1928.

h4. [i]Tosa[/i]-class Battleships
* [[Tosa (Azur Lane)|]]
* [b]Kaga (battleship form)[/b]

h4. See also
* "Wikipedia article on the Tosa-class.":[]
* "Wikipedia article: IJN [i]Kaga[/i].":[]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54