Wiki History Listing

V1 A set of seventeen (possibly eighteen) varied, generally antagonistic [[alien]] beings in [[Neon Genesis Evangelion]].

h4. List of Angels

h6. 1st - [[Adam (evangelion)|]]

* A giant being of light (roughly EVA-shaped with dark spots where its eyes and core would assumed to be)
* An embryonic form, typically set either subdermally in a person's palm/hand or in a solid, orange, transparent material

h6. 2nd - [[Lilith (evangelion)|]]

* A large, pudgy, white being with a seven-eyed mask over its face and a lower body composed of several human-sized (lower) bodies, [[crucified]] to a red cross by the [[Lance of Longinus]]
* If the Lance is not present, then the lower body may feature full legs, but still with smaller bodies poking out
* A form of [spoiler][[Ayanami Rei]], marked by being giant, naked, white, and winged; sometimes seen as large body parts in the background, most notably a giant face[/spoiler]

h6. 3rd - [[Sachiel]]

* Vaguely humanoid creature with large bony structures on its shoulders and torso and a distinctive beaked face.

h6. 4th - [[Shamshel]]

* Vaguely arthropod-like creature, with a long cylindrical body, a roughly shovel-shaped head with two eyespot-like markings.

h6. 5th - [[Ramiel]]

* A hollow, translucent blue octahedron.

h6. 6th - [[Gaghiel]]

* An aquatic being with a massive body and long jaws filled with sharp teeth.

h6. 7th - [[Israfel]]

* Has the appearance of a massive, vaguely humanoid creature, its most notable weapon is its ability to split itself into separate, twin Angels.

h6. 8th - [[Sandalphon]]

* Looks similar in form to a flatfish, but with two arm-like appendages and two knobs on its "top" side.

h6. 9th - [[Matariel]]

* Has the appearance of a massive arachnid-like creature with numerous eyes.

h6. 10th - [[Sahaquiel]]

* A massive and bizarrely-shaped creature. It has an elongated body, with three eye-like markings.

h6. 11th - [[Iruel]]

* A nano-scale entity, the Angel seems to simply spread by rapidly reproducing at the cellular level.

h6. 12th - [[Leliel]]

* Appears as a large, floating, black-and-white patterned sphere. The shadow below the sphere is the actual form of the angel.

h6. 13th - [[Bardiel]]

* Since it inhabits [[EVA 03]], it looks like it as well, only with a dark blue body, and longer arms.

h6. 14th - [[Zeruel]]

* A floating creature as large as the Evas but lacking humanoid limbs, and possessing folding foil-like "arms" and a malformed "skull" as a face.

h6. 15th - [[Arael]]

* The form of a massive, glowing winged creature.

h6. 16th - [[Armisael]]

* Appears as a large glowing floating torus (3 dimensional circle).
* A double helix structure.
* Or a single thread.

h6. 17th - [[Tabris]]

* Appears to be a pale human male with white hair, red eyes, and dressed in typical school attire; often smiling
* A genderswap of the above, with no pants, twintails, and a set of six feathered wings
* [spoiler][[Nagisa Kaworu]][/spoiler]

h6. 18th - [[Lilin]]

* [spoilers][i]H. Sapiens[/i]: Mankind - Humanity as a whole.[/spoilers]
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:54