Wiki History Listing

V1 A monster from [[Monster Hunter (series)|]] series. Its large membranous ears and enormous beak give it a unique and humorous appearance.

It is the first wyvern encountered by almost all hunters, and its signature moves are mostly basic actions shared by almost all wyverns.

Because it "looks after" hunters in a variety of ways by providing combat experience, money and materials, it is often regarded as a "passionate teacher or mentor." Fans of this monster refer to "him" with utmost respect as "our honored teacher, Yian Kut-Ku-[i]sensei[/i]."

h4.See also

* "Monster Hunter wiki":

* [[circled 9|⑨]] - The number "9" can be read as "[i]ku[/i]" in Japanese. That's why there are "several Cirno and Yian Kut-Ku crossover art": on pixiv.
Updated by bot Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:55